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Daf Yomi Shiur Siyum - Special Seudah Shlishis

Saturday, March 7, 2020 11 Adar 5780

5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Every one is invited to a Special Seudah Shlishis/Daf Yomi Siyum (Auditorium) ~ following 5:00 pm Mincha

Mesayem U'Maschil: R' Shmuel Gold Dvar Torah: R' Judah Kerbel,

R' Shmuel & Chai Soreh Gold upon the 44th Yahrzeit of his father, Moshe Simon ben Shmuel Menachem z"l & the 14th Yahrzeit of her mother, Menya bas Dovid a"h

and Herbert Schonhaut upon the 47th Yahrzeit of his aunt, Sarah Stein a"h, the 41st Yahrzeit of his uncle, Sam Lerner z"l and the 20th Yahrzeit of his cousin, Anita Appelbaum a"h

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Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784