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ALL NEW: We are happy to introduce our Fall 2023 programming brochure: CLICK HERE

Sponsored by: Jules Halpern Associates


A Look at this Year’s Activities

Membership Appreciation Brunch

Sukkah Decorations

Simchas Bais Hashoeva

Wednesday Night Women’s Shiur

Book Review

Tu B’Shvat

Bedikas Chometz Kits

Oneg Shabbos Speaker Series

Shavous Oneg Yom Tov refreshments

Kiddush Sponsorships

Many thanks to the Office Staff Miriam Selengut and Irene Gulayeva and the many volunteers in the QJC Family who when asked to help, responded with a “no problem”.

Check out the QJC Calendar page for future events!


The QJC Sisterhood pledges to continue to serve the shul and the community in the spirit of involvement and deep concern as in the past.



Honey Berger



Daisy Stark


Eva Sack

Chairwoman of Board

Bella Grunblatt


Naomi Nussbaum-Antis

 Membership Chairwoman

Toni Gordon

Bikur Cholim

Susan Lieberman

Oneg Shabbat Series and

Education Chairwoman

 Margy Cohen

Hospitality Chairwoman

Gloria Grossman

Book Review Chairwoman

Margy Cohen

Simcha & Memorial Fund Chairwoman


Miriam Blustein

Margy Cohen

Toni Gordon

Naomi Nussbaum-Antis

Helen Rubenstein

Eva Sack

Daisy Stark

Esther Weinstock
  Members of the Board
Fri, February 7 2025 9 Shevat 5785