Dear QJC Family,
I hope everyone had a restful and meaningful Shabbos, despite the undesirable circumstances.
The primary purpose of this communication is to inform everyone that effective immediately, Queens Jewish Center will be canceling all minyanim and in-person gatherings until further notice. We do this only out of the halachic and moral belief that we are obligated to do so in order to keep everyone safe. The following considerations inform this decision:
- CDC guidance continues to be that individuals over the age of 65 should stay home as much as possible and avoid crowds.
- The virus continues to spread, and even if nobody within our immediate vicinity is known to have the virus, that can change quickly, and we should not wait for there to be suspicion of a case to take preventative action. Please see this article that describes how these measures can alter the course of the virus.
- As of late last night, I was told by a rabbi in Kew Gardens Hills that there are at least two confirmed cases in that community. Given our overlap with Kew Gardens Hills, we should be extra cautious to avoid exposure.
- I will be davening at home, and I encourage everyone else to do the same. These prevention methods only work inasmuch as everyone abides by them.
While it is an eit tzarah, a time of distress, and communal tefillah would usually be our best response, in this case, we cannot make a reckless decision in continuing public gatherings, even for this important purpose. This is the position of Rav Hershel Schachter and Rav Mordechai Willig.
With that said, here are ways we can connect through Torah and Tefillah during this time:
- Please join the Orthodox Union community as we join together for the recitation of Tehillim (chapters 20, 121 and 130) and divrei chizuk with Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz this afternoon at 1 pm EDT - the call-in number is 773-377-9170. President Trump has declared it a National Day of Prayer for All Americans Affected by the Coronavirus Pandemic and for our National Response Efforts.
- Daf Yomi will be available via teleconference on Sundays through Fridays at 9:30 am, and on Motzaei Shabbos at 9:00 pm at (425) 436-6386. The access code is 294739. You can access the Gemara here if you do not have at home. Daf Yomi and other shiurim are also available at
- I will still give a weekly shiur via teleconference. While the details still need to be worked out, please stay tuned for this information. I will address issues including what happens when a community misses a week (or more) of leining and the value of public prayer.
- I will also teach Kitzur Shulchan Aruch on Hilchos Pesach Sunday-Thursday evenings at 6:00 pm for 10-15 minutes. That number is (712) 432-6135, pin number 421622.
- If you need to say kaddish at any point, please remember the kaddish has the status of minhag and is not halachically required. To honor your loved one, you may learn Mishnayot , say Kel Malei Rachamim on a yahrzeit, give tzedakah, and/or recite this formula .
- The Rashei Yeshiva of Yeshivat Har Etzion have suggested adding in the following prayer, borrowed from Musaf of Yamim Noraim, to be added in during Shema Koleinu.
אָבִֽינוּ מַלְכֵּֽנוּ זְכוֹר רַחֲמֶֽיךָ וּכְבוֹשׁ כַּעַסְךָ וְכַלֵּה דֶֽבֶר וְחֶרֶב וְרָעָב וּשְׁבִי וּמַשְׁחִית וְעָוֹן וּשְׁמַד וּמַגֵּפָה וּפֶֽגַע רַע וְכָל מַחֲלָה וְכָל תַּקָלָה וְכָל קְטָטָה וְכָל מִינֵי פֻרְעָנִיּוֹת וְכָל גְּזֵרָה רָעָה וְשִׂנְאַת חִנָּם מֵעָלֵֽינוּ וּמֵעַל כָּל בְּנֵי בְרִיתֶֽךָ:
- Please see below for a list of those who are in need of our tefillot.
In addition, please continue to check on anyone who you think may need to hear a friendly voice. While we are urging a certain measure of "social distancing," those who are able to safely leave their home may be advised to take a walk to get fresh air.
Please be in touch with me if I can be of help in any way, whether for halachic or pastoral guidance. I will be teaching my Ramaz students from home this week and will be available outside of my teaching schedule.
Please continue to check the shul website and Facebook page for continual updates.
May Hashem put an end to this pandemic as soon as possible, and may we be fortunate to share in simcha in the near future.
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
יוסף בן אסתר
אהרון שאול בן רחל
אליעזר יצחק בן שפרא
זלמן דוב בן אסתר
זאב מלך בן בעדינא
צבי יונתן בן דבורה
הרב ראובן בן פרומא
אבריה מרים בת מלכה רייזיל
אליעזר יצחק בן שיפרא
דניאל שמואל בן הרב חיים נתן אליהו
ציפורה הדרה בת רחל
אילנה דבורה בת פריידל נחמה
שאמי אריה בן מנוחה שרה
דוד ברק בן לב צביה
יעקב בן רחל מרים
שמואל צבי בן רויזא פרימט
שושנה בת שרה
יונינה שרה בת חנה
אלחנן יהונתן בן חיה
יצחק בן דפנה
אנדרי אברהם בן בערטא
אביבה רחל בת רבקה
אריאלה מלכה בת אביבה
יעל מיכל בת רות
אורי בן פריבא חיה
יוסף דוב בן רבקה חיה
לאה בת דבורה באשא
יוסף בצלאל בן רות
יעקב אליעזר בן מרים מאשא
יעקב יצחק משה בן דבורה
אברהם שמואל בן רחל
מרדכי דניאל בן שרה איטה
מרדכי בן בריינדל
יהודית בת שרה רייזל