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07/02/2019 01:16:01 AM


Check back to this page for future postings from Rabbi Judah Kerbel.


Yesterday's Events

07/14/2024 04:23:51 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

I feel it is important to state the obvious, as even that which is obvious sometimes need Read more...

Bus for Washington, D.C. Rally for Israel - Tuesday, November 14

11/07/2023 09:56:16 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

Next Tuesday, November 14, there will be a rally for Israel in Washington, D.C. being orgaRead more...

Shabbat Project

11/01/2023 08:18:07 AM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

The Shabbat Project is an initiative of Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein, Chief Rabbi of South ARead more...

Take 45 Seconds To Contact Elected Officials

10/19/2023 09:00:32 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

When Yaakov confronted Esav, he prepared himself in three respects: he prepared for war, hRead more...

Lunch 'n Learn RSVP * Shiur Tonight at 7:45 PM

10/17/2023 09:08:01 AM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
I am looking forward to the Lunch 'n Learn, which will take place on Thursday, October 19 at 12:00 PM!

Yesterday's Drasha * Contacting Officials * Lunch and Learn * More

10/15/2023 12:01:06 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Chodesh tov to all!

A few updates to convey-

a) I am attaching my drasha from Shabbos for those who wanteRead more...

Corrected Link

10/10/2023 04:05:22 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
I sent an incorrect link to the shiur I recorded.

c) NEW Torah Learning Initiative
While it would seem th


10/10/2023 04:01:02 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

The situation in Israel continues to occupy my headspace during nearly every waking momentRead more...

Supporting Israel

10/08/2023 10:00:31 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

No doubt there was tremendous shock and anguish upon hearing the news of what has been takRead more...

Important - Schedule Updates

10/02/2023 01:18:42 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Moadim L'simcha!

Please see the following addenda to the schedule through the rest of Yom Tov.
You can see

Clarification Regarding First Night of Sukkos and Rain

09/28/2023 06:07:32 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
I apologize for the extra email, but I was asked a few questions, and I thought the clarification would be uRead more...

Regarding First Night of Sukkos and Rain

09/28/2023 11:57:03 AM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

Unfortunately, there seems to be a very likely scenario in which it will be raining tomorrRead more...

Shabbos Shuva and Food/Product Drive

09/22/2023 08:23:12 AM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

There are a couple of things on my end that I want to put on everyone's radar as we enter Read more...

Tishrei Information

09/07/2023 03:22:07 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

With Selichos and Rosh Hashanah a week around the corner, I wanted to bring the following Read more...

Shiur Beginning at 2:15 PM

07/27/2023 02:00:32 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Shiur at 2:15 PM (after Mincha) - “Emotions of Distance and Closeness on Tisha B’av"
Both in person an

Correction: Tisha B'av Schedule and Information

07/26/2023 02:44:32 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Correction: the fast begins at 8:17 PM.

Here is the schedule for Tisha B'av:
Wednesday July 26 – Erev Tis

Tisha B'av Schedule and Information

07/26/2023 12:07:06 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Here is the schedule for Tisha B'av:
Wednesday July 26 – Erev Tisha B’Av
Mincha ........................

Reminder: July 4 Breakfast and Shiur

07/03/2023 09:33:31 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

Tomorrow, July 4 at 9AM, I plan to give a shiur to help us appreciate the holiday and infuRead more...

Three Weeks Guide

06/29/2023 09:22:16 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Shiva Asar B'Tammuz - "The Three Weeks" - will be upon us in less than a week.

Please see the guide for rel

July 4 Breakfast and Shiur

06/27/2023 06:47:41 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

This coming Tuesday, July 4 at 9AM, I plan to give a shiur to help us appreciate the holidRead more...

Shavuos Schedule Change - Please Read

05/21/2023 05:57:10 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Chodesh Tov!

Due to a change in the timing for the Kinus Torah on Shabbos afternoon, the schedule for ShabbRead more...

Pikuach Nefesh and Shavuos Siyum

05/03/2023 07:54:06 AM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

I had intended to provide a handout for my discussion of Pikuach Nefesh this past Shabbos Read more...

Erev Pesach Reminders

04/04/2023 05:31:01 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Some quick Erev Pesach reminders:
If you have not yet submitted your form to appoint me to sell your chametzRead more...

Mechiras Chametz Today

04/02/2023 08:03:51 AM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

Less than one week away! Here are some things to keep in mind as Pesach approaches.

The O

Mechiras Chametz & Other Pesach Announcements

03/29/2023 08:01:11 AM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

One week away! Here are some things to keep in mind as Pesach approaches.

The OU Passover


03/15/2023 08:48:41 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

First of all, I want to remind everyone that I will be the guest speaker for the Torah in Read more...


03/08/2023 08:08:15 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

With Purim and Shushan Purim behind us, Pesach will be approaching fast. I am looking forwRead more...

Security and Antisemitism Update

02/23/2023 06:18:20 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

We are very excited for our special Shabbos with Dr. Henry Abramson and the wonderful progRead more...

Earthquake Relief Efforts

02/14/2023 10:56:32 AM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
As you may be aware, an earthquake recently struck Turkey and Syria, taking more than 36Read more...


01/06/2023 09:35:31 AM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
As you may have heard, there are a couple of restaurants in our community that have switRead more...

Kohanim on Main Street

11/16/2022 04:30:40 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
I received the following notice from the Vaad Harabonim of Queens:
"This past week we walked along the cemet

Shiur and Other Updates

10/31/2022 10:08:21 AM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
I am writing with a few updates:

1) As a reminder, everyone who received an aliyah on SRead more...

Reminder: Food/Hygiene Product Drive

10/02/2022 01:47:06 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
Yeshayahu teaches us that we do not fast for the sake of fasting, but we are reminded toRead more...

Food/Hygiene Product Drive

09/19/2022 09:07:06 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
Yeshayahu teaches us that we do not fast for the sake of fasting, but we are reminded toRead more...

Yamim Noraim Halachic Guide

09/13/2022 10:43:51 AM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
As I try to do before every yuntif, below you can find a Halachic Guide to Yamim Noraim,Read more...

Pruzbul - Important Information

09/12/2022 08:56:51 AM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
This past year was a Shemittah year, and at the end of this Jewish year, Shemittat KesafRead more...

Schedule for this Afternoon - Shiur, Videos, Mincha

08/07/2022 01:26:36 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel

I will give a shiur after the first mincha on Midrash Eicha Rabbah. The shiur will take place at approximatRead more...

Tisha B'av Updates

08/04/2022 02:57:50 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

Unfortunately, Tisha B'av is approaching this weekend, and I want to call attention to cerRead more...

Tehillim for Ukraine - Wednesday Night After Maariv

03/01/2022 06:58:33 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

​​​​​​​It is important we join together in prayer.

As we continue to experi

Tisha B'av Updates

07/15/2021 01:59:07 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
(A couple of things needed to be clarified from yesterday's email:Eicha will be available on Zoom motzaei ShRead more...

Important Tisha B'av Information

07/14/2021 06:58:36 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

Unfortunately, Tisha B'av is approaching this weekend, and I want to call attention to cerRead more...

Corrected Version - Bein Hametzarim/Three Weeks

06/28/2021 09:00:37 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Please see attached for this year's Bein Hametzarim/Three Weeks guide.
This version is a corrected version

Recording of Rav Taragin's Shiur * More Pesach Info

03/14/2021 05:09:46 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Chodesh tov,

I apologize in advance, but as Pesach appraoches, I want to share helpful information in as tRead more...

"Jewry Duty" for Spring/Summer

03/11/2021 10:23:50 AM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

The mishkan was the first iteration of the institutions the Jewish people have built forRead more...

Purim 5781 Guide

02/07/2021 04:44:58 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel

Please see the attached file for a halachic guide to Purim 5781!
Please be in touch with any questions.


01/18/2021 10:36:06 AM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

Today, we observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which coincides around his birthday.


Updates: Rabbi's Fund and Book Club

01/13/2021 03:52:22 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

I wanted to be in touch about the following updates:
​​​​​​​It has been a wh

COVID-19 Vaccine

01/11/2021 11:30:52 AM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

Baruch Hashem, progress is being made and more people are about to become elligible to takRead more...

Today's Events

01/06/2021 06:56:22 PM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

No matter where we stand on the political spectrum, we all want peace and justice in our sRead more...

Article I Published - Shul Post-COVID

01/05/2021 09:44:51 AM


A Message from
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,

As ten months of this pandemic have gone by, it has not gotten easier with time to not be Read more...
Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784