07/02/2019 01:16:01 AM
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Check back to this page for future postings from Rabbi Judah Kerbel.
Read more...Important Tisha B'av Information
07/14/2021 06:58:36 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
Unfortunately, Tisha B'av is approaching this weekend, and I want to call attention to cerRead more...
Corrected Version - Bein Hametzarim/Three Weeks
06/28/2021 09:00:37 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Please see attached for this year's Bein Hametzarim/Three Weeks guide.
This version is a corrected version
Recording of Rav Taragin's Shiur * More Pesach Info
03/14/2021 05:09:46 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Chodesh tov,
I apologize in advance, but as Pesach appraoches, I want to share helpful information in as tRead more...
"Jewry Duty" for Spring/Summer
03/11/2021 10:23:50 AM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
The mishkan was the first iteration of the institutions the Jewish people have built forRead more...
Purim 5781 Guide
02/07/2021 04:44:58 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Please see the attached file for a halachic guide to Purim 5781!
Please be in touch with any questions.
01/18/2021 10:36:06 AM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
Today, we observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which coincides around his birthday.
Updates: Rabbi's Fund and Book Club
01/13/2021 03:52:22 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
I wanted to be in touch about the following updates:
It has been a wh
COVID-19 Vaccine
01/11/2021 11:30:52 AM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
Baruch Hashem, progress is being made and more people are about to become elligible to takRead more...
Today's Events
01/06/2021 06:56:22 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
No matter where we stand on the political spectrum, we all want peace and justice in our sRead more...
Article I Published - Shul Post-COVID
01/05/2021 09:44:51 AM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
As ten months of this pandemic have gone by, it has not gotten easier with time to not be Read more...
12/26/2020 09:35:07 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Shavua tov friends,
Parashas Vayechi has been established by the National Association of Chevra Kadisha as Read more...
NASCK TEAM Shabbos: Vayechi
12/26/2020 09:33:07 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Shavua tov friends,
Parashas Vayechi has been established by the National Association of Chevra Kadisha as Read more...
Asarah B'Teves
12/20/2020 03:00:07 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Shavua tov,
Asarah B’Tevet takes place this coming Friday. This day originally marks the siege around YerRead more...
Reminder: Shabbat Project - 8:30 Tonight
11/05/2020 08:12:28 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
This coming week, throughout the world, Jews are participating in the Shabbat Project. TheRead more...
Shabbat Project - Parashat Vayeira
11/04/2020 04:13:10 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
This coming week, throughout the world, Jews are participating in the Shabbat Project. TheRead more...
Introducing "Jewry Duty" Initiative
10/29/2020 08:06:38 AM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
Before I explain “what” I am asking for regarding daily minyan, I want to share the Read more...
Saying Tachanun at this Juncture
10/12/2020 05:40:58 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
First, I want to thank everyone for a successful and meaningful Yamim Noraim season. With Read more...
A Message for Simchas Torah
10/09/2020 01:22:58 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
While this was included in the previous weekly email, I wanted to send a separate email toRead more...
REMINDER - Tonight: Shiur and Yizkor
10/08/2020 05:32:43 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Moadim L'simcha!
Here's a reminder of the following:
My shiur for the week will take place Thursday night Read more...
Shiurim and Yizkor
10/07/2020 11:01:59 AM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
A few announcements:
Today (Wednesday), at 1:00 PM, I will have the honor of sharing a D'Read more...
Minyan in Auditorium
10/04/2020 08:44:29 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Moed tov to all!
Minyanim this week will be held in the auditorium.
Please use the 66th Avenue entrance.
Reflections on Yom Kippur and Sukkot Resources
10/02/2020 12:04:31 PM
Rabbi Judah kerbel
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Temperature Checks at the Door
09/25/2020 02:55:57 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
Please be advised that beginning tonight, anyone coming into shul for minyan will be requiRead more...
Shabbos Shuva and Davening Instructions for those at Home
09/24/2020 09:26:42 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
It feels like just a few weeks ago that I was sitting in my mother-in-law's artroom givingRead more...
Hataras Nedarim Outdoors
09/17/2020 03:51:41 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
If anyone is not able to come to shul for hataras nedarim, we will offer the option outdoors tomorrow (FridaRead more...
Yamim Noraim Resources
09/14/2020 09:51:11 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
I hope everyone is doing well as we prepare to usher in Yamim Noraim this coming Shabbos!
HAPPENING NOW: Shiur with Dr. Erica Brown
09/13/2020 07:32:10 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Kol tuv,
Judah Ke
Selichos (Motzaei Shabbos) and Shiur with Dr. Erica Brown (Sunday night)
09/12/2020 10:01:11 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
Selichos will take place tonight at 10:15 PM, both in shul and over Zoom. Here is a link tRead more...
Reminder: Yamim Noraim Q&A on Thursday
09/09/2020 10:13:25 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
Just a reminder of a few items coming up:On Thursday, September 10, at 8:00 PM, I plan to Read more...
Updates: Shiur Schedule Change, Q&A, Upcoming Program
09/06/2020 09:30:25 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
I wanted to take an opportunity to share a couple of updates about the schedule for the neRead more...
Corrected Link for AIPAC Event
08/20/2020 08:03:48 AM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
Rosh Chodesh Elul begins tonight!
As the
Elul: Daily Minyanim, Upcoming Programs, and Initiatives
08/19/2020 08:17:04 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
Rosh Chodesh Elul begins tonight!
As the summer begins to come to a close, we are workingRead more...
Kiddush on Shabbatot
08/13/2020 01:20:59 PM
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
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Three Weeks
07/07/2020 07:34:25 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
(A PDF version of this is available here. While I prepared a version of it before I began vacation, I have mRead more...
QJC Minyanim Update
06/21/2020 12:25:10 PM
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Dear Friends,
מה טבו אהליך יעקב משכנותיך ישראל
How goodly your tents, O Jacob, your dwellings, O IsraelRead more...
Minyanim and Absentee Ballots
06/07/2020 10:27:40 PM
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
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Survey about Resuming Minyanim Next Week
06/04/2020 08:51:10 AM
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
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REMINDER: Shiur and Yizkor Tonight
05/27/2020 10:36:06 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Reminder for tonight:
Pre-Tikkun Leil Shavuos Shiur with Rabbi Kerbel followed by Yizkor will take placeRead more...
QJC Shavuos Reader
05/27/2020 10:01:07 PM
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
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Shiur Tonight - 7:00 PM
05/26/2020 11:08:17 AM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Good morning!
Please join me for my shiur tonight at 7:00 PM. We will begin chapter four of the Shemonah PeRead more...
05/25/2020 08:26:25 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
With Shavuot coming up, there are some programs and resources that I would like to remind Read more...
Corrected URL
05/24/2020 11:36:09 AM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
TODAY: Lecture with Rabbi Shalom Hammer
05/24/2020 07:00:55 AM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Please join us at 11:30 AM this morning.
Click here to join.
CLICK HERE - prior messages posted fr
Important Update Regarding COVID-19
05/21/2020 12:24:57 PM
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
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Yom Yerushalayim and Shavuot
05/20/2020 09:55:12 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Dear QJC Family,
With Yom Yerushalayim and Shavuot coming up, there are some programs and resources that I Read more...
Shiur Tonight - 7:00 PM
05/19/2020 03:18:28 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Good afternoon!
Please join me for my shiur tonight at 7:00 PM. We will learn chapter three of the ShemonahRead more...
Shloshim for Mark Levine z"l
05/14/2020 09:53:25 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Shiur Tonight - 7:00 PM
05/12/2020 05:24:25 PM
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Rabbi Judah Kerbel
Good afternoon, happy lag ba-omer!
Please join me for my shiur tonight at 7:00 PM. We will learn chapter twRead more...
Updates and Resources
05/11/2020 09:53:10 PM
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
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QJC Shavuos Reader
05/07/2020 04:59:56 PM
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
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Fri, February 7 2025
9 Shevat 5785
QJC Schedule
Today's Calendar
Shacharis : 6:30am |
: 9:45am |
Candle Lighting : 5:02pm |
Mincha : 5:05pm |
Tomorrow's Calendar
: 7:15am |
Shacharis : 7:30am |
Shacharis : 9:00am |
: 11:30am |
Mincha : 4:50pm |
Havdalah : 6:04pm |
Friday Night
Candle Lighting : 5:02pm |
Mincha : 5:05pm |
Shabbos Day
: 7:15am |
Shacharis : 7:30am |
Shacharis : 9:00am |
: 11:30am |
Mincha : 4:50pm |
Havdalah : 6:04pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshas Beshalach
Shabbos, Feb 8 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Feb 7, 5:02pm |
Motzei Shabbos, Feb 8, 6:04pm |
Tu B'Shvat
Thursday, Feb 13 |
Saturday ,
FebFebruary 8 , 2025Cholent Bowl 2025
Shabbos, Feb 8th 11:30a to 12:45p
Sunday ,
FebFebruary 9 , 2025Big Game & Dinner
Sunday, Feb 9th 6:00p to 10:30p
Friday ,
FebFebruary 21 , 2025Scholar-in-Residence: Mrs. Michal Horowitz
Friday, Feb 21st 5:15p to Shabbos, Feb 22nd 6:30p
Our Rabbi
Rabbi Judah Kerbel
►Click here for bio
►Click here for Rabbi's Blog
►Click here for previous shiurim
Queens Jewish Center | 66-05 108 Street, Forest Hills, NY 11375 | Ph. (718)459-8432 | Fax (718)408-3232
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