Dear QJC Family,
As we all adjust to the new reality of social distancing in order to fight the novel coronavirus, we are in the midst of preparing for Pesach, which requires a different level of adapting. We hope to address some issues that may be on people’s minds in this communication. Please read the entire email for important information:
1) Mechirat Chametz – everyone who would like to sell chametz through me may use this form, which you can fill out directly online. If you have any questions while you are filling it out, please contact me. Once you have filled out this form, you do not need to do anything else.
For anyone who has difficulty filling this out online, I will do it for you over the phone.
Please mail checks for Maot Chitim to the shul.
2) Bi’ur Chametz – if one is able to SAFELY burn their chametz on their own property (e.g. if they have a yard), that is best. If there is a small amount that can be flushed down the toilet, that is also halachically acceptable. These were the methods recommended to me by poskim. If one has more than a small quantity of chametz left to destroy, I recommend pouring bleach on it and then disposing of it in that fashion.
3) Upcoming Shiurim:
a. Pesach Q&A - our annual Q&A seudat shlishit was supposed to be scheduled for an upcoming Shabbat. However, we will be’ezrat Hashem do it virtually on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at 7:30 PM. Please email questions in advance to me at Of course, if you have pressing questions, you may ask me before then as well. If there’s a particular topic you want to suggest I address at greater length for the shiur portion of the talk, please let me know.
The Q&A will be conducted through the Zoom platform, which allows for interaction.
To join online, please use this link:
To join from a phone, please dial: +1 646 558 8656; meeting ID is 706 820 2779
(Parenthetically, while I encourage those who are able to dial-in to shiurim to do so, if you have a phone plan with limited minutes, a member reminded me that people should be mindful.)
b. Pesach Seder Boot Camp – Tuesday, March 31 at 7:30 PM. We will discuss insights into the Haggadah and review the mechanics of the Pesach seder. This will be designed for both those who are used to doing their own Pesach seder as well as those who are not used to doing their own seder. Please see the information in #3a to join the call.
c. Shabbat Ha-Gadol – The Shabbat Ha-Gadol drasha is scheduled for Sunday, April 5 at 7:00 pm. The topic is “Mindful Mitzvot and a Life of Mindfulness.” The plan will be to use Zoom for this as well (see information in #3a).
4) Siyyum Bechorim – I will beezrat Hashem make a siyyum for first-born males or anyone who wants to participate on the morning of Erev Pesach via Zoom (see information in #3a). Details forthcoming.
(If you would like to make your own siyyum, Artscroll is providing free downloads of one masechet per person to make the siyyum, or you can follow a daily shiur that will finish Masechet Horayot by Erev Pesach.)
5) Pesach Guide – please see the Orthodox Union’s Passover Guide for regular information regarding Pesach.
6) Finally, regarding financial and emotional health: Times may be challenging in ways that we did not expect beyond our physical health. The limits necessitated by social distancing may be making a strong impact on people’s livelihoods. Baruch Hashem, the rabbi’s fund has a healthy balance right now. While many individuals and organizations request tzedakah, priority goes to those in our community. Anyone who encounters difficulty meeting basic needs – food/household goods, paying housing-related bills, etc. – please be in contact with me. All requests will be held confidential. It is better to reach out before complete crisis if you think there is a chance you will need help. Especially as Pesach approaches, it is important to me that everyone have what they reasonably need to celebrate Pesach appropriately.
There is also great reason to be concerned about the impact of isolation during a prolonged period of Shabbatot and Yamim Tovim during which we will not be able to come to shul or be with others. It may be very difficult for many to not have human contact during those days or to not be able to be with family as one normally would. Please be in touch with me if you have any questions – halachic or pastoral – as it relates to emotional health issues during this time period. Please also do not hesitate to seek virtual therapy if you begin to feel anxious or depressed at any point. Our mental health is just as important as our physical health, and our job is to protect both!
Please see the Commonpoint Queens website for more resources as well.
If you know anyone who is unable to shop, please contact
As I’ve emphasized throughout this email, please don’t hesitate to be in touch with me for anything I can be helpful with. My cell # is 404-539-6898 if you would like to call.
May Hashem protect us from all harm and enable us to come together again soon!
Rabbi Judah Kerbel